The Swippler© products are designed to enable the individual to better feel how all the muscles and skeletal movement work from the ground up to better control and provide a free flowing pivot motion. By enabling a force presentation which minimises unnecessary muscle engagement the individual can better sense how body motion can be improved and strengthened for general body movement and specifically the rotational movement which is an aspect of many sports.
It is important to recognise that the pivoting motion has the appearance of a turning motion, but if the pivot is not correctly understood then a seemingly correct turn does not provide rotational consistency or rotational power. The pivot needs to be correctly sensed from the ground up which means that the feet need to sense the correct engagement with the ground and then consistently reproduce this feel.
The Swippler range of products include The Swippler (original), The Swippler GRF and The Swippler Hoop.
The GRF product enables the individual to feel the critical initial stages of how the body goes from a preparatory state for generating rotational power to the sequence leading to the full delivery of rotational power through the shoulders and along the arms. The key aspects of the Swippler GRF are that it assists the individual in sensing and developing the core body movements which minimise the incorrect use of the arm muscles and gives a coordinated body sense of how the force of inertia is correctly overcome. The individual focuses on how the feet feel in engaging the ground and the accuracy of a pivoted force delivery for rotational power.
The Swippler (original) product is a light weight device which enables the individual to minimise the instinctive desire to incorrectly use wrist leverage in a swinging motion. By focusing on the correct pivot motion The Swippler enables the individual to feel the power of centrifugal force with a physical “thwack” that can be both heard and felt through the hands.
The Swippler© products are designed to enable the individual to better feel how all the muscles and skeletal movement work from the ground up to better control and provide a free flowing pivot motion. By enabling a force presentation which minimises unnecessary muscle engagement the individual can better sense how body motion can be improved and strengthened for general body movement and specifically the rotational movement which is an aspect of many sports.
It is important to recognise that the pivoting motion has the appearance of a turning motion, but if the pivot is not correctly understood then a seemingly correct turn does not provide rotational consistency or rotational power. The pivot needs to be correctly sensed from the ground up which means that the feet need to sense the correct engagement with the ground and then consistently reproduce this feel.
The Swippler range of products include The Swippler (original), The Swippler GRF and The Swippler Hoop.
The GRF product enables the individual to feel the critical initial stages of how the body goes from a preparatory state for generating rotational power to the sequence leading to the full delivery of rotational power through the shoulders and along the arms. The key aspects of the Swippler GRF are that it assists the individual in sensing and developing the core body movements which minimise the incorrect use of the arm muscles and gives a coordinated body sense of how the force of inertia is correctly overcome. The individual focuses on how the feet feel in engaging the ground and the accuracy of a pivoted force delivery for rotational power.
The Swippler (original) product is a light weight device which enables the individual to minimise the instinctive desire to incorrectly use wrist leverage in a swinging motion. By focusing on the correct pivot motion The Swippler enables the individual to feel the power of centrifugal force with a physical “thwack” that can be both heard and felt through the hands.
The Swippler Hoop is also a light weight device which enables the individual to feel the centrifugal force developed by a correct pivot motion with minimal muscle involvement from fingers, hands, arms, shoulders and legs. The Swippler Hoop allows the individual to focus on the foot movement which best delivers the pivot motion.
The feet have a relatively small surface area in comparison to the surface area of the human body and therefore it is of little surprise to recognise the necessary precision of Ground Reaction Forces to consistently produce an effective and accurate swing.
While this may sound challenging, it is actually straightforward. The individual simply needs to concentrate on the weight transfer in the backswing (or wind up) remaining on the inside area of the right foot for a right handed swing and the inside of the left foot for left handed swing. Some individuals - especially youngsters - will find this easy to achieve, but the important thing is to sense how this pressure builds on the inside of the feet during the backswing and then to consistently reproduce this feel. Naturally, for a golf swing drive the build up of pressure (or feeling of weight on the inside of the foot) will be much greater than for a small pitch but the feeling will be similar.
Depending on the individual's natural flexibility, it may feel that the body is being restricted in its turning motion when the pressure build up is kept on the inside of the foot. After a number of repetitions, the body will naturally start to stretch and feel a coordinated and sequenced motion from the ground up.
The Swippler© takes its name from "swipple," denoting the freely swinging portion of a flail. This nomenclature is not arbitrary; it's a testament to the profound influence of Dr. David Williams' book, "The Science of The Golf Swing." Dr Williams simplifies the mathematical complexities of the golf swing and sports swings in general, unveiling a revelation that the swing of a club, bat, racket, stick is, fundamentally, a "flail" action produced by a pivot motion.
The brilliance of Dr Williams' book is how he relates the physics of a sports swing motion to very understandable concepts for any individual to use. The key aspect of power and consistency in a sports swing lies in the ability for the shoulders to be freely powered through a correct pivoting motion. (www.thescienceofthegolfswing.com).