The Swippler
The Swippler
The Swippler training aid is designed for developing the "feel" for how coordinated body movements deliver the accelerated rotational shoulder movement required for many sports.
It is well recognised that the ease and speed with which shoulders are rotated in bat/racket/club wielding sports are crucial to improving expertise in the sport. The Swippler enables the individual to better develop the "feel" for shoulder rotation central to golf, cricket, hockey, baseball and tennis.
The Swippler works by being a light weight training aid which when swung causes a rope held within the tubing of the training aid to be released under centrifugal force. The rope then moves down the tubing until stopped by a knot at the handle end of the aid. The stopping of the moving rope causes both a sound and "feel" as the knot comes into contact with the tubing entrance and gives the hands a distinct "feeling of an impact" due to the centrifugal force generated by the swing.
Key to this is the focus on the correct pivot motion. A correct pivot requires the backswing to feel an increasing engagement of the inside of the right foot (for the right handed swing) and then the downswing to "unload" with a consistent feel of the force being released from the inside of the right foot. This will result with the individual feeling the power of centrifugal force with a physical “thwack” that can be both heard and felt through the hands.
The Swippler enables the individual to develop a swing timing which maximises the "feeling of an impact". This is directly relevant to the timing required when swinging a bat/racket/club in sports swings.
Most importantly, the individual learns to focus on the acceleration of the shoulders through the bottom of the swing. It is this aspect of the swing which is most important for shoulder movement. If the shoulders are not felt as increasing with rotational speed through the bottom (or strike area) of a sports swing, this can often lead to a sub-optimal strike of the ball.
Please note that the shipping charge for a single unit is the same as the shipping charge for a set of 2 Swippler units and a set of 4 Swippler units. Please order the appropriate product package for multiple Swippler units.
The Swippler is 80cm in length and weighs 0.4kg
UK Patent Application No. 2400250.3